Lab Konferenz
Berlin und Paris

Lab Konferenz

Wie können wir Europa nachhaltig gestalten?

Europa braucht dringend neue Impulse in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit! Der kürzlich veröffentlichte IPCC-Sonderbericht kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass sich die Erde noch schneller erwärmt und die Folgen noch gravierender sind als bisher angenommen. Doch bisher passiert viel zu wenig.

Deshalb kommen am 24. November viele Menschen im Haus 13 (Pfefferberg) in Berlin zusammen, um gemeinsam Ideen für ein nachhaltiges Europa zu entwickeln. Innerhalb eines Tages wollen wir gemeinsam mit Dir und unseren Bündnispartnern von DiEM25 und Generation.S in Paris an gemeinsamen Lösungen für den Europäischen Klimaschutz arbeiten. Ein einmaliges Konzept, das verdeutlicht, dass klimagerechte Politik keine nationale Angelegenheit ist und gemeinsame Lösungen von uns Europäer*innen braucht.


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Livestream der Lab Konferenz



Eure Ideen für ein nachhaltiges Europa

Agro Party

Question / Problem
Industrial farming destroy our planet -> lack of knowledge about sustainable agriculture

Idea / Proposed Solution
Community-supported agriculture goes Tupperparty

Why is your suggestion a good idea?
-Community building
-Exchange & knowledge

Sustainable mobility in rural areas

Question/ Problem
How can we design a mobility concept for Bente (mother, 26 years, living in the countryside) that is safe, comfortable and independent in terms of timing (self-organised lifestyle) and sustainable?

Idea / Proposed Solution
Bike motorway
– financed through higher taxes on cars
convenient and effective cycling routes
funny posters / advertisements, art, meeting points, crititcal mass
Use of public transport system for free
– higher frequency + higher capacities
– financed by whom? -> taxes on gas
– if you are not checking whether people have valid tickets, you will save some money Decentralized infrastructure
– local supermarkets and retail sector, medical centers and child care in villages
– local community offices & online information platforms

Why is your suggestion a good idea?
Tailored to the needs of people in rural areas

CO2 Emissions

Question/ Problem
I have no idea how much CO2-emissions were caused to bring this product to my hands!

Idea / Proposed Solution
Calculate and show CO2-Emission on each product

Why is your suggestion a good idea?
– Transparency
– Awareness
– CO2-tax?
– regional products gain advantages

Sustainable Consumption

Question / Problem
Sustainable Consumption is limited by big (transnational) corporation’s interests

Idea / Proposed Solution
counter-act monopolies in order to strengthen self-determined, local & social initiatives

Why is your suggestion a good idea?
Sustainable consumption integrates easily into daily life, because it can make use of already existing infrastructure.


In Bildern

Slideshow zur Lab Konferenz